Flower Bouquet - Small
Note: We are required to collect a "Shipping Address" - simply make it the same as your Billing Address! All bouquets will be placed in the church!
Make a gift of a flower arrangement in honor of or in memory of a loved one? Their name (and heck… even yours, if desired) will be acknowledged on our eblast and social media. Our parish staff will order the arrangements on your behalf in order to co-ordinate with the liturgical seasonal colors.
Simply choose from the following options: $75 for each arrangement in front of the altar or ambo (pulpit) We have three spaces for arrangements.
If we receive one order, then the ambo or the altar will have an arrangement.
If we receive two orders for the same weekend, we will place two identical arrangements one either side of the altar.
To maintain the proper liturgical environment during the season of Lent, we will not be able to accept flower donations for the weekends of March 5th through April 9th. Any donations made during this time period will be refunded as soon as possible.